We Will Reach Our Goals with your Help
We link arms with the individuals and families impacted by environmental pathogens and walk alongside them to overcome challenges and create a hopeful tomorrow through support, education, prevention, and advocacy.

Create Change
Create policy change at a local, state, and federal level to better protect our children from these environmental pathogenic infections.

Provide support for families who are hospitalized with these infections by providing knowledge, offering resources, kindness, and hospital care packages.

We aim to educate the public and medical providers about enviromental and pathgenic infections STEC, shigella, etc. with the goal to prevent illness and death. This is particularly important to rural America due to the large agricultural community which increases the risk of these pathogenic infections. It is essential to identify environmental pathogenic infections, when to seek medical attention, how to treat them, and what the potential risks and long-term effects are.
How to Get Involved

Become an Advocate
Advocates each have a story to tell. They are our parents and family members of children who have suffered from these horrific illnesses and have seen firsthand the ups and downs, the rollercoaster, of these diseases. They have kindly shared their stories and work to advocate for change to prevent future illness.

Become an Ambassador
Our Parker’s Promise Ambassadors act as representatives for their specific state and county. They serve as a point of contact to bridge the gaps in education across the world.

Host a Toy Donation Box
Choose to be a donation location agreeing long-term to 1 year, or more short term like 1-3 months.

Become a Sponsor

Please visit our Donate page to learn your many options. It is through your donations that Parker’s Promise has been able to help so many children and families.

Contact Congress
Reach out to your local congress members to request policy change regarding agritourism business protection laws and demand prioritization of our children’s lives and well-being.

P.O. Box 1641
Spring Hill, TN 37174

Let's Have A Talk
Call: (310) 463-3008
Email: parkerpromise2022@gmail.com

Working Hours
Sat: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM