Who We Serve
We are representing those affected by environmental pathogenic illness. We collaborate with partners in medicine and academia, the health department, and local organizations and government to educate the public and prevent environmental illness. We advocate for effective policy and facilitate cultural changes to increase environmental safety. As individuals with a unique perspective, we offer resources, kindness, and hospital care packages for those who are currently battling or have battled these environmental pathogenic infections.

In need of education and guidance.

Children & Patients
Children who have been admitted to the hospital for further workup and treatment due to pathogenic illness.

Legislative Change
We advocate for new policy changes to protect our children and prevent the spread of disease.

Medical Studies
Using data from each individual case study we are able to make progress in treatment algorithms.

The Public
We push to create safer environments (agritourism businesses, petting zoos, farms, lakes, creeks, etc) and inform and educate the public on this harmful bacteria.

Provide balloons and care packages to children who are hospitalized as well as support parents during their child’s hospitalization.

Message From Our Founder
Welcome to Parker’s Promise
My name is Morgan Stine, and I am Parker’s mom. In June 2022, seven-year- old Parker was hospitalized for eight days battling the horrific effects of an STEC infection (Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli) from the deadly bacteria E.coli 0157:H7. He was part of a farm camp outbreak. Parker and other children attended a week-long camp at a local farm in Tennessee. One of their jobs was taking care of baby goats. As a result, fourteen people became ill and a precious two-year-old boy, Baylor Fillhouer, died.
After Baylor’s death, I knew that I had to do something to create change. I never wanted this to happen again to other children and their families, but I wasn’t sure how or where to start. Another STEC outbreak occurred in July of 2023 from a local Tennessee creek. This is when I realized the best route to support families with hospitalized children, to educate the public and agricultural businesses, and to advocate for policy change was to create a nonprofit organization. I am first and foremost a mother to three children, wife to a firefighter, and a full-time Physician Assistant. I knew I could not do this alone. Our community of friends and family have stepped up to help create Parker’s Promise, and for this I am grateful.
You may be here because:
* your child has been injured by a bacterial infection after exposure to
animals or contaminated water
* you want education on how to keep your family safe
* you think you or your child has a harmful, bacterial illness
* you want resources for local agricultural businesses / farms / pumpkin patches / petting zoos
* you want information on animal or water safety
* you’re thinking of having a petting zoo at your preschool or child’s birthday party
* you are interested in helping our cause
This website is here to help YOU. Parker’s Promise is a unique website and nothing like it currently exists. There is a community of people in our Parker’s Promise “family” that wants to help you. If your child has been ill with bacterial illness like Shiga toxin-producing E. coli from an environmental source like animals or water, then you know how horrific this illness can be. Please know that many people, especially adults, will do okay with these illnesses. They may experience a few days of fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, but it is self-limiting. However, children, and especially children younger than five years old, can develop severe and detrimental complications. Five to ten percent of children who have an STEC infection go on to develop a rare disease called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS). They can suffer permanent and irreversible changes such as chronic kidney damage and disease, hypertension, seizures, stroke, global brain damage from encephalopathy, cardiac arrest, and death.
If your child became ill, finding a diagnosis for your child was probably not straightforward or easy. Often, I hear stories of parents being told their child’s illness is likely viral, parents are often told to go home, continue to hydrate, and their child will improve… however many decline instead. After multiple urgent care visits, pediatrician office visits, ER visits, transfers to other hospitals, finally a diagnosis is made. Parents find they are the ones who need to advocate for their child within the medical community. I want to thank parents for standing up for your child. You do know your child best. Parker’s Promise was created to represent these parents. We will rise up and make change.
You will find answers to your questions and helpful information explaining terms that are likely confusing at this time. You will find pamphlets, brochures, and informational packets that you can take to local agricultural businesses, farms, schools, petting zoos, churches, and other public groups to educate the public. This is also a place of camaraderie where encourage you to share your personal battle with these illnesses and with the goal of preventing others from having the same experience.
Parker’s Promise is whole heartedly dedicated to helping you. Many environmental bacterial illnesses are completely preventable. With your support, we can prevent these pathogens from poisoning and killing our children.
Be the light. Be the change.
Morgan and Paul Stine
Meet our Amazing Team!
Our board is made up of individuals from various backgrounds with each of us bringing a unique perspective to the table. We are passionate about our mission and our work to serve our community. Many of us have had personal experience with these horrific infections.

Morgan Stine
President + Founder

Paul Stine
Vice-President + Co-Founder

Mary McGonigle-Martin
Policy Change + Education

Ashley Heiselt

Genevieve Zenker

Rachel Black
Care Package Coordinator

Heather Scott
Fundraising + Event Manager

DeeDee Baker
Compassion Leader

Courtney Meister
News + Media

Chelsea Bryne
Care Package Distributor + Social Media

Rebecca Crawford
Fundraising + Care Package Coordinator

Kendra White
Digital Media

Lauren Gray
Project Manager

Cate Marino

Kenneth D Swantek

Lisa Gelfand
Advocates each have a story to tell. They are our parents and family members of children who have suffered from these horrific illnesses and have seen firsthand the ups and downs, the rollercoaster, of these diseases. They have kindly shared their story with us and you and work to advocate for change to prevent future illness.

Andrea Underwood

Summer Pacheco

Deirdre Heflin

Emily Berkley

Breanna + John Wood

Susan & Glenn Henry

Emily Richards

Jessica and Al Gaudette

Cassie Goosey

Jeremiah & Rachael Messerer

Gina Gipson

Jessica Howard
Our Parker’s Promise Ambassadors act as representatives for their specific state and or county. They serve as a point of contact to bridge the gaps in education across the world.

Niti Patel
Ambassador: India

Regina DaCunha
Ambassador: Brazil

Romy Billman
Ambassador: Germany

Kelly Finger
Ambassador: Australia

Mahini Sayin
Ambassador: Hawaii

Cate Marino
Ambassador: Illinois

Katie Tyler
Ambassador: Nevada

Debbie Dill
Ambassador: Idaho

Jamie Emmons
Ambassador: Colorado

Megan Parks
Ambassador: Montana

Rachael James
Ambassador: Texas

Tina Ervin
Ambassador: Texas

Kirsten Leal
Ambassador: Florida
Hear Their Stories
Who we have impacted
Children Served
Families Involved
Care Packages Sent
Balloons Sent
Frequently Asked Questions:
What do I do if my child may be sick with a harmful bacterial illness?
Symptoms of harmful bacterial illness can be any of the following: diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, headache, malaise, fatigue. Exposure to farm animals (goats, cows, chickens, etc), public body of water like lake, creek, pond, pool; or eaten grilled meat or lettuce, all increase your chance of having enteric pathogenic illness. Please seek medical attention – pediatrician, urgent care, of emergency department.
What is in the care packages and why?
We take action to support those who are suffering. Thanks to your generous donations, we’re able to provide valuable resources to children and families who are hospitalized and recovering. The care packages of stuffed animals, blankets, toys, crafts and books bring smiles to these kids’ faces and provide a source of comfort during a difficult time. Our care packages are age appropriate and each item is specifically chosen for that child. Depending on resources we are sometimes able to provide sibling care packages. On our team we also have physical therapist Kenneth Swantek, DPT, and occupational therapist Lisa Gelfand, OTR/L, who have assisted us in putting together appropriate rehab care packages for our children requiring further rehab services after extensive hospitalization and or complications like stroke and seizure.
What can I do to help?
We all know it takes a collection of voices to really be heard and make a positive impact. We need your help! You can sign up to become an advocate, ambassador, or a sponsor. You can host a toy donation box. You can donate. You can contact Congress members. You can pass out flyers to your local churches, schools, farms, and agritourism businesses. Have an idea on how to help? Reach out to us!